Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pussy CAT

People are so dirty minded these days!


Actually studied for once! *gaaaaaasp*


We did nothing. Seriously.... NOTHING. He talked for the entire period.

Was talking to Danielle on the way down the stairs though ^_^

Managed to catch the bus this week. Aweeeeesome!


We had a lengthy discussion about Skittles

Taste the rainbow!
Or use it in your Psychology experiments.

Just some good banter.

Got abandoned at Lunch, so I sat with Abie, Kyle, Lucas, Sara, Sarah, Rachel and Bev. Gooooood times!


Wanted to steal LJ's sweet box cause it had a maoam perv on it!!
Oh tut tut.

We basically wrestled eachother. Come on man, I'm not evil, I wouldn't eat your psychology experiment.

Greg was making jokes about Mrs Ashleigh... who's a lesbian.

Do I care if she's a lesbian? No. Why bring it up then? So you can understand the jokes.
ZOE: She had her hands on this boy's shoulders and she said "If you don't do your work, I'll tighten these around your neck."
GREG: Oh I bet she likes to use her hands.
Ohhhh dear.
GREG: Do you think she likes rabbits?
I don't think he was asking about the fluffy kind.


Ehhhhhhh... Oooh my Memory is going!!

Can't remember a thing!

Went to town with Chloe and Chloe after school.

Chloe = One of my best friends
Chloe = One of Chloe's friends.


Still confused?

Ahh well, moving on!

Told Chloe Ashleigh's "Pussy conversation".

Again, confused?

Meet Kodak.
Ashleigh and Liam's "pussy".

So I recited the conversation me, Ashleigh, Lauren and Kelly had previously.
ASHLEIGH: Lauren! I was just playing with my pussy!
ME: D'aaaw, it's so cute and fluffy!
LAUREN: What?!?!?!
KELLY: I just want to eat it!
LAUREN: *explodes*
Well... I made the mistake of telling Chloe this... at a bus stop.

Swear the woman avoided us!

Got on the bus, as did two ladies who smelt of fish. Fish and rotten crab sticks...


Chloe (the one I hadn't met before) was adorable, so sweet!

Had a great time with them!

Lauren xxx