Sunday, January 30, 2011

100th post!


Is it 100 blog posts already?


Hopefully, the past 99 posts have been as fun for you all to read as it was for me to write!

It's only been around about 4 months, feels like I've been doing this for years!

So thank you all for taking the time out of your day to day lives to read about what's been going on in my life <3 Love you all!

Went up to see my little cousin and my Auntie and Uncle.

He's four and a half (my cousin, not my Uncle) and I swear he's the cutest little thing ever.

Him in his little fireman hat 

He's so cute.

Cameron is just away to go up into the big school (i.e. Primary one) and he's so nervous about it. You wouldn't think that he would be, he's such a confident wee chap when you speak to him, but he is.

Speaking of confidence... he stripped for us.

And then did a little dance.

Seriously, he was starko and running around the living room, shaking his toosh in our faces.

Then he kind of sat/danced on my Dad. Whilst naked.

Oh my god, I was crying with laughter!!

Some of the things he comes out with too. Awwww man.

Makes me realise how lucky I am.

Sometimes I need that.

OH! And my Uncle is now a qualified driving Instructor!! So guess what I'm getting for my 17th?

Lauren xxx