Tuesday, August 27, 2013

GE3K'S Company, Three's Company & Big Bang Theory

As I have mentioned in previous blogs we have written six of the ten episodes for season one of GE3K'S Company. Today Chris and I created an outline of episode seven and I worked on writing several scenes. We also created an "in world" calendar to keep track of the days within the story. If all goes as planned season one will take place over a one month period.

I have to say there is a ton of things you have to do when you are just starting a new webseries and you're one of the executive producers. Of course I'm doing this with my bud Chris but there is still alot of prep work you have to think about before you can move forward. We don't want this to be some cheapy average webseries about a group of geeky friends. We want it to stand out, we want it to look as professional was as we can make it.

All of the main actors on the show have been extras for The Guild so we know what a high quality show should look like on screen and behind the scenes. It's going to be a lot of work but in the end it's gonna be totally worth it.

Because our webseries is an homage to Three's Company a TV series I used to watch in the late 70's early 80's and loved. I decided to watch the pilot episode as I haven't seen an episode in over 20 years. I wanted to see if it held up and boy did it. I still laughed out loud, and after watching the pilot I continued and watched all of season one (only six episodes total) and then moved on to season two and watch the first two episodes. I added all the season DVD's to my Amazon wish list. This is a series I must own and I can't wait to see more. 

I posted another Random Geek Question on Facebook and Twitter. I asked The Big Bang Theory - Love it or Offended by it.  I got a wide range of answers from "love it" to "never watch it" to "it's not my cup of tea". No one came out and said they were outright offended by it. A good third of those who answered said they understand why folks are offended by it (mostly of the female kind). Another third or so said they loved the first few seasons but haven't not liked the past few seasons. Which is funny as this series has gone from 11 million viewers during the beginning to last season getting 17 million viewers. So their audience is just growing in leaps and bounds.

I for one love these series, I have since the very first episode and I'm loving it even more now with the addition of the "girls" to the show. I understand the complaints, though I may not agree with them. This show does not represent all types of geeks, but I'm not offended on the way they portray them either. I guess you can't please everyone but all that really matters to me is that I love the show and will continue watching as long as they keep making them.