Saturday, May 25, 2013

Star Wars, Geek & Towel Days Rolled Into One

Today is a very special day in the Geek/Nerd world. It's the 36th Anniversary of the release of Star Wars which in turn created Geek Pride Day and it is also International Towel Day, for all you fans of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,

36 years ago today I went and saw a movie that would forever change my life. I credit Star Wars (and no I'm not calling it A New Hope, because when I saw it 36 years ago it was called just Star Wars) anyways I credit Star Wars for making me the Sci Fi / Fantasy lover I am today and that series will always hold a very special place in my heart. It will always be part of my life and I am forever thankful to George Lucas for the world that sprung from his imagination.

Geek Pride Day is an initiative to promote geek culture. The date was chosen as to commemorate the release of the first Star Wars film as mentioned above and I don't mind celebrating Geek Pride day but honestly I celebrate Geek Pride everyday of my life.

Towel Day is an annual celebration on the 25th of May, as a tribute to the late author Douglas Adams (1952-2001), who wrote the very famous series The Hitchhikers Guild to the Galaxy. On that day, fans around the universe proudly carry a towel in his honor.

And one more geek note.. the Glorious 25th of May is known to fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

Lot's of awesome geeky things happen on May 25th.