Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Judging The Geekie Awards

Today I finished judging my entries for The Geekie Awards. Overall it was a fun experience and I'm very happy to be part of it. I hope this award show becomes an annual event.

There were so many great entries and it was tough choosing my favorites in each category. I went through all of them, gave them their rating and made comments then I went back through them again to make sure the ones on top actually deserved to be on top.

It was fun but also very difficult as you're not judging the topic as much as the overall production/presentation. If you haven't guessed I was a judge for podcast entries so there were podcasts that I had no interest in the topic and vice verse, a topic I loved. It's tough not being bias but I guess that's part of the job of being a judge, being able to look/listen to something with an open mind. I think I did a pretty good job at that.

I can't wait for the actual award show in August. Should be a great time... and since I was a judge I get the VIP status :) Not sure what that entails but it should be fun. I'll keep you guys updated on when tickets go on sale for the award show.