Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Its been so long!

Why is it that whenever I find a hobby
I like life makes it hard to keep up? Between life, school, etc etc I have hardly logged any WoW time let alone found time to blog about it. :(. Well today I get to make a short post. Yay! I am bummed! I didn't get through school of hard knocks so no meta achieve or what a long strange trip it's been this year. I will hopefully finish up midsummer later this year then school of hard knocks is all I will have left to do for next year. I'm gunna be like a kid waiting for Christmas.
The last month or so has been real hard in my personal life. Because of this I have learned a big lesson about self care and I know my WoW time is a big part of that for me. It is stress relief, it's social, and helps me relax. I am so grateful for the friendships I have made through WoW these friends have helped me through some rough days. As things get better and school comes to a close for the semester I am looking forward to writing about some of the topics I have brewing. So keep a look out some more stuff should be coming your way.
Peace and love