Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dungeons and Dragons and Friends... oh my!!

D&D today.. we normally play every other Sunday but since one member of our party is leaving this month we wanted to get one more game in with him so we pushed it up a week. Before D&D Anthony and I went over to Dallas and Jes' a few hours early. Jes and Anthony were going to work on making "the internet" (it's an IT Crowd thing). Anthony knows about electronics and Jes wanted to learn. So he actually showed her how to read specs and solder. At first it didn't work and then did and then broke but in the end they got it to work and now Jes has her very own Internet.

While they were doing this I chatted with Dallas for an hour or so before he had to get back to work on finishing up our D&D sheets. I knew these guys had HBO Go so I figured I'd watch an episode of Game of Thrones.

I read/listen to the first book but only got about 2/3d's of the way through it before not being able to continue. I was told that Game of Thrones was a fantasy so I was expecting swords and sorcery kind of thing.. it's not. It's all about political intrigue, incest and underage rape. I had a hard time with these topics. It wasn't a fun to read so I gave it up. Now that I know what kind of "fantasy" it is I do want to go back and read the books. And I've been wanting to see the series for a while now.  I did enjoyed the pilot a few months ago with Jes, Dallas and Chris. I was excited to see some more so I watched episode 2 and loved it.

It's slow, there isn't really any action. It's more of a story/character base series. Very dramatic, lots of harsh living, some sex and nudity. The drama kind of reminds me of  Downton Abbey. I mean it's not the same kind of drama but still very mellow-dramatic, very serious. But there is something about that kind of drama that I love.

Was going to try and watch episode 3 but Jes and Anthony were done with the Internet and Dallas was finished with his D&D stuff so we walked over to a shopping center to grab some snacks and lunch before we play.

3:30 came and now it was time for D&D. This round we still had a large group; Adam, Dallas, Jes, Josh, Kenny, Anthony, Will, Luis, Matt, Aaron and Rupert. Jen arrived during the last half hour or so of play. This game was completely different then the previous two. We had no battles other then a small skimish between our group and the blacksmith. I'm happy to say that Dash (my halfling Wizard) actually put a sleep spell on two of the three people. The story continued to progress as we walked around the town trying to get more information about the Dragon cult. I did a bit more interaction with the gang, but it went a bit to far when they wanted my character to decide what we were going to do next. Over all another fun evening of Dungeons and Dragons. (Pathfinder).

Afterwards I hung out with Jen and we talked for hour straight, catching up on each others lives. I miss her, we haven't really hung out in over a year. She's been extremely busy but recently moved in with my buddy Will. We talked about having a one on one day again soon. She and I are able to talk about anything, that's what I always loved about your relationship.

Anyways at 10:30 Anthony and I left Jes and Dallas' place and headed home. Can't wait for another D&D game in two weeks.