Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm A Judge for The Geekie Awards

This actually happened a few days ago but I didn't want to announce it until it was official (on their website). I am a judge of the upcoming Geekie Awards. If you don't know what they are here is more info..

The Geekie Awards presents the best indie-created, high production value, awe-inspiring geek-genre content, art, products and experiences in the world.

We, as creators, have never found one show that covered all of our multi-faceted talents, and often, we’ve discovered that the rest of the world didn’t take our work seriously because it was “geeky.” So we created our own show to give indie “geekmakers” a place to shine and be seen by leaders and experts in their respective industries.

Our goal is to create an impact on mainstream media, putting the true geek culture in the spotlight as a collection of valid award-winning genres for storytelling and creation.

This award show was created by the lovely Kristen Nedopak

A friend contacted me on facebook and said that The Geekie Awards were looking for a judge for in a certain field and he thought of no one better then me. I was excited, I quickly emailed them and offered my services to judge and the next day I got a response welcoming me to the team.

So now I'm an official judge for The Geekie Awards.

You can check out my bio page HERE