Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ever Changing...

I'm starting to make scrapbooks of my past movie marathons so I've been doing through hundreds of pictures picking ones that best represents the event. Looking at pictures reminds me of all the great times we've had the past few years but it also saddens my heart knowing that we will never have those kind of times again as a group. It was one of those rare moments in time when we all came together in all our geekiness and bonded as one solid group of friends. But over time people change, feelings are hurt, cliques are formed, people move away and what was once this awesome "Geek Mob" is just a faded memory.
But I won't be sadden by it's demise I remain happy that it happen. For a moment in time I had the perfect group of friends. I have the most wonderful memories and pictures to remember all the good times we had. They may never come again but who knows.. maybe something bigger and better is waiting just around the corner.

Now I'm not saying that those friends are gone... most are still around, we've just splintered off into smaller groups. We tend to hang out with those that we bonded with most when we were the bigger group. We have several folks who met through The Geek Mob who are now roommates. We also have some who are doing projects together like webseries. The Geek Mob will continue in some form or another... it will never truly go away as long as a few of us keep it's light burning in our hearts.