Thursday, May 23, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

I've now seen Star Trek: Into Darkness twice, the first time I saw it I really wasn't sure what I thought of the movie, I really liked parts of it but there were some things that really annoyed me about the movie as well.

My first viewing was with some sci-fi fans but they weren't big fans of Star Trek as such, the second time I saw it I was with Star Trek fans ( one who was a rather cute blond but that had nothing to do with me wanting to see it again ) and I enjoyed the film more with the second viewing I still found certain aspects well to be honest annoying.

The movie starts out with a fun action sequence and things are moving along nicely, then we get to the main story and for the most part I was OK with that as well but it really started to grate on my nerves the seemingly constant paying homage to Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn, I just didn't and still don't feel there was the need for it, personally I would have preferred a wholly original story and hopefully in the next chapter of the rebooted movie franchise that's exactly what we'll get.

It must be said that Benedict Cumberbatch was in my opinion perfectly cast as *cough* John Harrison and in the next film Karl Urban needs to be given more to do as his take on Dr McCoy is near perfect.