Monday, May 27, 2013

Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar

Ok, it's about time that I blogged about the sweets and chocolates I bought in Dallas. I bought quite a few but have given most away to friends who were very keen to try them out! ^_^

Here's all of them, but I am going to split these into several posts.
Never had these before, so I'm trying them all out!
So first off is Hershey's Milk Chocolate.
Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar... The King Size one

It looks nice. It smells ok, but unfortunately there is a very sour aftertaste, and it lasts forever. :(
Looks like chocolate to me!!
Mr Bear had this a few weeks ago, and his housemate wanted to burn it and never taste it again! Hahahahah. Well actually the chocolate tastes like chocolate but it is made with sour milk, and there have been posts saying it tastes like vomit. Sorry about that.

I have tried refrigerating it and tasting it afterwards. It tastes great at first, but then there is that everlasting aftertaste of sourness in your mouth...Yeek!!

I don't think I'll be buying this again, but you can find them in UK stores. My brother Mr Stingy found the Hazelnut one in a local grocery store I believe...

You have been warned!