Thursday, January 17, 2013

Work, Celebrity & Buffy... oh my

Well the past few days at work have been pretty much the same. I get up at 6:30am, leave for work at 8am, get to work around 9am, take my lunch at 1pm, get off at 7pm and I'm home by 8pm. The work is crazy busy, frustrating at times, but also lots of fun. I enjoy the people I work with, the show I'm working on is a reality show but it's one of those ones with heart. Lot's of tears will be shed watching it. I love the location of the post facility, it's in the valley which makes it closer to where I live, less traffic, which is always good. It's close to several friends houses so we can hang more often. And there are several good places to eat near by for lunch.

Speaking of lunch today while walking back I saw this tall guy coming out of this building and as I passed by I noticed it was Ron Peralman. I'm a huge fan, been one since he played the Beast in Beauty and the Beast TV series from the 80's. But my favorite role he has done in recent years was playing Hellboy in the Hellboy movies. Anyways he was walking over to get his car from the valet. If he wasn't talking to the valet person I probably would have said hello, but instead we made eye contact, I smiled, he smiled and gave me a nod. It was pretty cool.

After work today I drove to the Santa Monica area to spend some time with my buddy Robert. We were continuing our dinners and Buffy viewing. Took about an hour to get to his place, which I expected, but traffic wasn't bad it's just driving across the entire city.

For our Buffy Rewatch/1st Time we finished off Season Three with Choices, The Prom and Graduation Day parts 1 & 2. As always it was a fun evening of Buffy, pizza and good company. Not sure we will be able to do this ever week but I'm hoping we can continue at least once every two weeks. Next up we move on to Season 4.