Tuesday, January 1, 2013

MaltEaster Chocolate Bunny

Happy New Year Everyone!! 

My first post for the new year (and I have been blogging for almost a year now ^_^ - so proud!). 

Well it's the start of the new year, and Christmas has only just gone. And now what chocolate companies are thinking about is Easter! OMG. Maltesers... It's only January. Easter isn't until April this year!!! 
MaltEaster Chocolate Bunny
Maltesers have already started their chocolate Easter bunnies with this very, very cute design.
Nice an cute bunny design

Loads of Malters biscuit
They taste like the mini round Maltesers, but there's more chocolate than the biscuit, especially around the ear area... Yummy, that's ok with me!! 

The one thing that got me giggling about this product was the message on the wrapper on the back..."No actual Maltesers® were hurt during the making of this bunny"... Hahahaha!! I love it!! ^_^ Maltesers made me laugh!! 
Love this message!!
Enjoy Easter early!!

Where to buy: Tesco (and I believe other supermarkets will have them soon!)
Cost: 60p