Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To Share.. or Not To Share

I've been debating how personal I should be on this blog lately. I mean if it was a anonymous blog then I would have no problem spilling out all my inner thoughts. But because I do acknowledge and promote this blog I tend to hold back on the personal stuff. I mean the title of my blog is "My Life As A Geek" and I do try and post mainly geeky things but occasionally I'll post some personal things like being alone, work or being gay and it's nice to be able to share those kinds of things every once in a while. It's kind of therapeutic to be able to vent to my faceless followers (not that I have many). Plus those things are part of my geeky life. But the real question is, what is too personal and how much of my personal life do I really want out there. I mean I'm already a pretty open person when it comes to the internet, I've been blogging full time for over seven years. But I do hold back on certain topics.. maybe I should reconsider.

What do you guys think? I'd appreciate your thoughts on this subject... thanks