Sunday, January 20, 2013

An Apology and Some WIPs

Alright, the Holidays have come and gone, and it has been nearly a month since I have posted anything up here on the GG...

I have to apologize... I always seem to think that during the holidays I will have more time for hobbies, yet every year it seems I have a whole lot less free time than I imagined.  So again, I am sorry for my slacking.

Now, here are a few WIPs I have been working on over the holidays.

First Up....

Tir Na Bor Standard Bearer:

Now, I know you want to see what else Im working on right? :) :P
Click it!! Come on!  Please? Click it!!

The next guy I have been working on is another one of my favorites from Rackham...

Magnus the Mystical:

Ill show you this guy from the very beginning.  Cleaned up and primed white.

Added some basecoats... You may have noticed something is missing...

I dare you to comment and point it out.  I double dog dare you!!

At this point I couldn't figure out what to do with his gloves.  I chatted with my buddy Scotty and he suggested doing some crazy red and blue transitions.

This is how it turned out...
Thoughts? Comments?...
Verbal Abuse?

I decided to move the transitions over to his sword as well.  Like this Mystical magician was doing some crazy magic voodoo on his sword.

Not sure if the effect came out exactly as I had pictured... but I think I like it.

I did a little bit of work on his face at this point.  I love for the face of all my little Dwarves to be the focal point of the mini.  I worried that the sword may draw too much away form the face.

Here are the quick first few steps done on his face.

And the finished face shown below.  I took the picture so as to ensure you all saw how grumpy and mean this old dwarf is!  The lesson of the day:


I have yet to finish this guy.  When I finish him I will be sure to throw up a pic so you all can tell me what you think.

Thanks for Watching!!
