Sunday, January 27, 2013

Old Witch of Khador

Finished this one up as a commission for a local. It just so happens to be the third time I have painted this duo, so I cant say I was terribly enthused about it. But I pushed through(eventually) and got em done.

 More pics after the jump.......

You may have noticed that the crows are missing from Scrapjack......Well, in moment of what I thought was clarity, I decided to leave them off for ease of handling while painting. The first times I had painted these, I glued them on and tried to work around them, which lead to headaches of knocking them off constantly and slathering the wrong colors of paint on them with an errant brush stroke.

This time however, I did not glue them on and apparently lost them in the jungle of a mess called my paint room! The search continues!

Thanks for checking these out, let me know what you think!