Monday, December 17, 2012

Row House update...

Well here is another installment for the Port Board. Another section is almost complete. At this rate I might have it done in a couple of years. I am spending more time on the detail because I want to learn as I go. I am trying new things as I go along and trying to see if I can complete it how I see it in my brain. I know... scary. By doing that I keep myself interested too. I know if I keep doing the same thing over and over I will slow down on it and possibly stop. It is okay to do some things over and over but I have to throw in a new thing from time to time. I am saving the doors on every piece for last.

So here you go. C&C welcome. Hope you enjoy.


I still need to add some wood planking to this section on the upper half above the stone.

I also threw in some shots of the other piece just for kicks.