Thursday, December 6, 2012

I Got The Job!!!!

I finally got a call from the place I interviewed a few weeks ago. I pretty much just figured that they didn't want me and I'd never hear from them again so I was surprised when I got the call asking if I was still available and if I wanted the position of Post Production Supervisor for the second season of their show "I'm Having Their Baby" for Oxygen. Will be working in Universal City. And there is potential for this to become a staff position. I start when I get back from vacation on Jan 3rd. Super excited that I can now enjoy December and the Holidays and start fresh and new with the new year. Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and happy thoughts.

Besides the awesome news of getting the job I went out Christmas shopping and spent way to much on my niece and nephew.. if that's even possible. I got both of them some very adorable clothes for Christmas. I also picked up supplies to make my yearly Christmas gifts (there are two different ones). 

Got back to my place and had two screeners waiting for me "This is 40" which had Paul Rudd who I enjoy and the other movie "The Master" which I had never heard of but come to find out it's about the creation of Scientology. Not sure it's my type of movie but as I have said with others that are not my type of movies.. I will watch if it a friends wants to watch it with me. 

So all in all a pretty good day for Kenny.