Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Twitter & Brownie Coats

I'm obsessed with Twitter, I have been since it started many years ago. There's not a day that goes by where I'm not tweeting at least a few times. I don't tweet about what I'm eating or anything to crazy like that. I basically use Twitter to keep my friends and family updated on what's happening in my life. I also use it to promote my podcasts and blog. I try and mix it up with geeky things and some personal things. I also use twitter to be up to date on the latest news. Breaking news hits twitter before it hits anywhere else.

Today I reached 2400 followers. That means that 2400 people receive my tweets when I post. That just blows my mind. I know being a podcaster (& The Guild) has helped me get some of those followers but they must like what I am tweeting as they are sticking around. I never thought I would have this many followers when I started. Obviously I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Being someone who has always been super shy and in the shadows for so long it's nice to get some attention now and then.

If you want to follow me on twitter just click on the LINK.

Speaking of Twitter.. I saw a tweet from i09 mentioning a Firefly thing with a link to a picture, so I clicked on it and saw this very adorable drawing/picture of the crew of Firefly as kids. It was titled Brownie Coats. I instantly fell in love with it and had to have a print. I clicked on the comments and noticed that someone had asked if prints were available and the artist said yes and all we had to do was email him. He was selling prints for only $15 plus $5 for shipping. This print was so worth the $20.

I also checked out his website and he had some amazing and geeky drawings beside this Firefly one. In particular he had two Lord of the Rings prints that I inquired about and those too had prints you could bye for $15 each.. I couldn't pass up those so I got all three prints.

Well today I got my Brownie Coats prints and it's AWESOME... the two LOTR prints will be arriving later in the week.

You can check out more of his stuff here on his blog http://www.patrickballesteros.blogspot.com/
He also have a website you can check out his other stuff http://www.patrickballesteros.com/

If you're interested in any of his things you can email him at patrick.ballesteros@gmail.com with any questions or requests.