Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tutorial: Armored Greatcoat

Here is a quick tutorial on how I made the armored greatcoat. 
Materials needed:
Milliput (yellow grey)
Super Sculpey (Firm)
No hole glass glitter beads
And sculpting tools

First I mixed equal parts of the milliput mix together with Sculpey. This creates a nice compound that is easy to work with and hardens well.
After that was all mixed I pressed the putty flat in between some parchment paper and cut into a nice long strip with my blade and ruler. Carefully I set the strip on the mini and tap it down into place with sculpting tools, being watchful not to cause and dings.
For each panel I simply make a small knife line and used the sculpting tools to fix the shape I wanted.
Now the hard part, placing the beads into place. Since these are so very small and have a static cling to them, the simplest way I found is to use a moistened toothpick to pick each on up and set them into place.
Once the putty is cured you can go back and glue any beads that have slipped off. 
