Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Time

Yes I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet and I normally wouldn't even consider putting up my Christmas decoration until the Friday after Thanksgiving but since I'm not going to be around the last two weeks of December, as I'm going to be spending Christmas and New Years with Chris up in Montana. I wanted to start celebrating early.

Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love decorating and listening to Christmas music. So today I finished what I started over the weekend. I got my tree completely done and added the garland, lights and bulbs anywhere I could. I decorated about the same amount as I did the past few years. I normally go all out with lights outside on the house but since I live in a rural area and it would take so much work to do it I haven't done that since I moved to his house.

I have to say decorating alone isn't much fun but I did put on a Pandora Christmas station and just immersed myself info the Christmas spirit.