Saturday, November 17, 2012


This past week has been a good week for screeners. Besides Beasts of the Southern Wild that I got last week I now have screeners for Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, Madagascar 3, Moonrise Kingdom, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Frankenweenie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Brave, The Impossible, The Dark Knight Rises, Argo and Cloud Atlas.

I normally get about 30 or so screeners so I still have quite a few to go, if it's the same as years past. Some ask me why I get these and it's because I am a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA) and I vote on the PGA awards every year so the studios make sure I get to see all their award worthy movies. It's always a hit and miss on what I get. Some years it's huge blockbusters and other years its small independents films. So far this year I have gotten a nice mix of both.