Monday, November 19, 2012

International Christmas Ads 2012 (Part 1)

It's almost Christmas!! And a lot of adverts are coming out now on TV and I also wanted to compare some international Christmas adverts with our own British ones. So first I used Google Translator to translate "Christmas advert" or "Christmas" in every possible language that it could translate... This is my first round and I will search for more soon. Here's the first six ads I found...

Finland - The True Spirit of Christmas. Well, is this an ad to make any comments on? Not really. It shows the true Christmas spirit of the Finnish. So do you want to go to Finland for Christmas? I probably would.

Japan - Seven and I セブン&アイ X, (AKB48 in 7-Eleven). Heheh, my brother explained to me who this Japanese girl band are. AKB48 is a group of 48 Japanese girls who have been split up into 3 groups, A, K and B. This sounds so complicated to me! Well, back to the ad, and well, it's 7-Eleven. They are still BIG in Asia. It's such a shame they didn't do so well in the UK. (I miss 7-Eleven). This is a pretty ad of 7-Eleven's food and it shows that the Japanese can celebrate in style as well!! Better than M&S's ad any day... :P

Portugal - O Boticario. Hah!! This one made me laugh. Because I didn't know who O Boticario is. I assumed this ad was going to be about a children's toy store with the way the mother was asking her son questions about what Christmas gifts to buy for relatives... And in the end it was about perfume! Hahahahah. O Boticario by the way, is a pharmacy like Boots.

Slovakia -  Kozi Kuzi Kuzuka (Orange). I'm not sure how Orange Mobile fits into this story but if I didn't see the Orange sign on the ad I would've thought this was going to be about food or another John Lewis type ad. But no, it was about connecting to the world with Orange. :D Quite a funny ad I thought, but I think this one could have at least featured a phone from the Orange range.

Malaysia / Singapore - Magical Moments Come to Life (IKEA). Finally an ad that makes sense. And I love it. No talking. Just music and fun using IKEA furniture. This is my favourite international ad so far!

And finally I found this!

Thailand - Thai Thai Christmas (IKEA). This is another Christmas advert that made me laugh! It's another IKEA ad and it seems IKEA know how to advertise around the world EARLY! Credit must go to their worldwide marketing team. :D I love this ad but unlike the Malaysian / Singaporean version, this Thai version is a lighthearted and very festive ad. There are subs in this ad, so at least I knew what they were talking about. 

I'm hoping to find some more internation adverts in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! ^_^

Check out my next post:

And the IKEA ones too!