Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sebastian and Hiking

Today I got to hang out with my buddy Sebastian. We haven't seen each other or hung out since we both got let go from our last job. He was my post pa at the time. So it's been a good few months.

It was great seeing him again after the long hiatus. When he got here was just sat and chatted for an hour before I realized I was straving so we made plans to go to Islands for his Birthday lunch (he had a birthday last month). Lunch was nice as I hadn't had Islands in a while and I so love their cheddar fries and burger.

After Lunch we came back and let our stomach relax. We planned to watch one of the screener that I had but then he suggested watching Lord of the Rings (at least the first one) since he has never seen any of them ( I know.. why are we friends :) But instead of watching movies we opted to go hiking at Vasquez Rocks. We hiked for about and hour before calling it a day (we were also being kicked out as the park closed at 5pm). Got back to my place and he planned to leave at 6 when his girlfriend got off work but she was delayed and he stuck around for another hour or so and we just chatted about everything. It was a really great visit and I hope another two months does pass before we do that again.