Sunday, September 23, 2012

Howling at the moon... FINISHED!!!

Finally done. Better late than never I guess. At least I am not the last one. This was a fun project. I went in phases on this guy. At times I tried a few new things. Other times I just wanted to get it done. I wish I could say I was consistent on this one but I was not. My schedule is brutal right now. But I made a commitment. I just wish I could have hit the deadline date. Anyway here it is. Any questions or comments fire away.

Oh... the idea behind this one is that this is a sacred warrior site where tribute is left in one way or another. Sometimes the tribute would be given by another from a fallen comrade. I know, too much thought. He is morning the loss of a fallen warrior... too much thought again?
I doubled up the horn. Made two ax blades. Extended the weapon handle. Added the chain. Added the hair at the end of the ax. Added the beard. Put a ring in one of the horns. Added the skull on his waist. The left wrist was cut out a bit to add more arc to the knife to give more affect of the howl. Added the spikes on the back of the ax. Then made the base with slate.