Friday, September 28, 2012

LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out

Just watched the second LEGO Star Wars special. LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out and it was AWESOME!!! These shows are so poorly promoted that I had no idea this was even created until listening to a Forcecast podcast a few weeks ago. And even then there was no airdate. Suddenly the day before it aired I caught wind of it... lucky for me.

I loved the first LEGO special LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace, they are fun Star Wars goodness and this one was the same. The first one took place during the prequel era and the latest one takes place during the original saga era. So this one had Luke, Leia and Han. Though the first on had Han as well but he was a kid. Lot's and lots of laughs. I wish this was a regular TV series, but if they keep surprising us with specials every now and then that would cool.. they just need to promote these better. Check out the trailer below.