Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Working Out, Superman & Love

I didn't get alot of productive work done today.. I didn't get any podcast work done or anything done around the house. I did manage to work out which was nice, this is my third day in a row working out.. Today was a full work out like Monday

Today's Workout:

15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical
3 sets of 10 on the chest fly for my chest (75 lbs)
3 sets of 10 working on my back (75 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on the front leg press (45 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on the free weight (110 lbs)

I really don't understand BMI (Body Mass Index). There are calculators online and all you do is enter your weight and height and it gives you your number. Well my BMI is 36.2 which according to their scale puts me in the obese category.  Now I know I'm over weight, but I've never considered myself obese. I'm short and stocky and the BMI calculation doesn't really take that into account. All it knows is I'm 5'3" and 208 lbs. According to the BMI chart I would need to be 140 lbs to just be below the limit of being "normal". I can't tell you the last time I was 140 lbs. it was back in junior high. It's discouraging to hear that you are obese.. when you're really not.

I can't wait for Man of Steel next week.. but before then you gotta check out this very cool article about the past 75 years of Superman's suit. It was a fun read and interesting to see how the suit has changed over the years. You can read the full article HERE

I really enjoy some of Syfy's reality/game shows like Faceoff and Total Blackout.. well they have a new one that just started this week called Exit.

In each nail-biting episode, four teams of two contestants will battle to escape a series of four mind-bending and seemingly diabolical rooms, each more challenging than the last. The winning team must beat the clock while solving rapid-fire brain games and navigating a bevy of terrifyingly entertaining puzzles in order to be the only team to truly exit and win the $10,000 prize.

I loved this new series.. I'm bummed that season one is only six episodes but I can't wait for the next one. This show is intense, full of pop-culture goodies and just plain and simply fun to watch. Check it out it if you can... you won't be disappointed.

I put a call out there for help with my next Tattoo.. this time it's going to be on my left calf and be Star Trek themed.. I'm looking for an artist friend who can bring my idea to life. Watched this very sweet video online today that I wanted to share with you all.. it is the story of a gay couple who've been together for over 50 years.. such a sweet story.

Watched this very sweet video online today that I wanted to share with you all.. it is the story of a gay couple who've been together for over 50 years.. such a sweet story. We need marriage equality.