Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kenobi's 4th Birthday Party

Today is my little nephew Kenobi's 4th birthday. Of course his parents through a big "Spiderman" themed party. I got there about an hour early to help out. When I got there Lora was going crazy trying to get everything ready and my brother was out back prepping the BBQ. They ordered a bouncy thingy that had a water slide attached to it. But it hadn't arrived yet and the party was starting in an hour.

I decorated the back porch with streamers and balloons. At 1pm folks started to arrive and the bouncy thing just arrived and it took them a good hour and a half to get it up and running. More and more kids showed up and just stood around waiting impatiently (no they were actually very patient for the situation).

A few hours in and the party was in full swing, food was being BBQ'd, folks were having a good time and Lora was able to kind of relax. I played with the 15 or so kids most of the day. I had to fix the hose on the water slide so of course I had to change into my swimming trunks and climb up there. It was cute because the kids were waiting for me to finish so they could slide and they kept calling me Unk.. because that is what Kenobi calls me. I had a good 15 kids bouncing on the bouncy side and popping there heads in every two seconds saying "Unk is it ready yet".. I actually went down the slide several times.. but this time around I didn't dislocate two fingers (if you remember from last year at my nephew's birthday party I dislocated two fingers on my right hand sliding down a similar slide.

I had a blast playing with the kids (ages 3 to 12), squirting them with the water hose, nailing them with beach balls and shooting them with water guns. It was a lot of fun. We did cake and presents (Kenobi really made out with a ton of toys, I think I'm the only one who got him some educational writing pads so he could practice his letters). As the day wind down I got to hang out with my Dad, brother, sister-in-law, mom, Lora's moms' and my niece and nephew.

Overall it was a fun party... I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow when I get up.. but it was well worth it seeing all the smiles on those kids faces.. especially my nephew Kenobi.