Monday, June 17, 2013

Family Time

Today I got to spend the day with my Dad for Father's Day. We originally planned to hang out a few days ago on Saturday but that didn't work out and I was booked on Sunday so we opted to hang out on Monday.

Got to his place around 1 and we headed out to lunch. My dad wanted to take me to this steakhouse that he really enjoys called Lone Star Steakhouse. And with most steakhouses it was fantastic. I got BBQ chicken and steak.. very tasty.

Afterwards we headed to the movie theater. My dad rarely goes to the movies so this was a treat for him. We were going to see Man of Steel. I saw it a few days ago and loved it and I figured my dad would love it as well since I got alot of my geeky love of things from him.

As expected my Dad loved Man of Steel, said he loved it as much as Dark Knight (and he LOVES Dark Knight, so that's saying something). I enjoyed Man of Steel even more a second time and I can't wait to see it again, hopefully in an IMAX theater.

After the movie we went to the store to pick up some things my Dad needed before heading home. Once home my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece were home so I got to visit with them. Lora and Molly shortly left after I arrived so I spent most of my time with my brother Michael and Kenobi. Dad went to lay down and rest.

I love playing with my nephew Kenobi, he's four and it so much fun to do things with. We played with cars and then mega blocks. He put on his Superman onsie pj's that I got for him for his birthday and flew around the house for a bit.

Around 8pm I said my goodbyes and headed home. It was a great day spent with my Dad for Father's Day and and extra special day as I got to spend some time with my brother and his family. All in all it was a fantastic day.