Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Hobby within a Hobby

There are a lot of things people do with their hobby time. Most people play their games, paint their figs, research their lists, drool over the latest models. But everyone i believe has their "secret" hobby, or their hobby within a hobby. 
What could this be?

This is something that could be called a hobby in it's own right, but is used to help elevate the primary hobby. Sometimes these hobbies are a direct result of needing something for your little army men. Does this sound familiar?

For example, I needed a storage/transportation solution for my paints and figs for game/paint nights at the local game shop. Thus began my journey to the inner hobby of really rough, mediocre, yet still functional woodworking.

My latest undertaking has been to find a way to store my paints in an effective way, while keeping them hidden since we are trying to sell our house. Hopefully in my next place i won't need to hide my paints, but for now we have to do what it takes right?

Here is the sequence I took to create something acceptable to me and my better half.

Cut equal lengths for the frame and nail together

Use a dremel to make slots for my aluminum bar

Insert bar shelves and attach back piece

Attach ring terminals to the ends of some galvanized wire

Screw terminals to the sides to create a front stop for the paints

I still have a few tricks up my sleeve to complete these shelves, but will save that for another update.

I want to hear from you!What are your "secret" hobbies? What talents/skills have you put to use with wargaming that you did not think would be connected?