Sunday, June 23, 2013

Beyond Westworld.

I'm a big fan of the movie Westworld and it's sequel Futureworld but one of the few shows I have never seen was the spin-off TV series Beyond Westworld.

I was perfectly aware of the show's reputation for being pretty bad but I've just finished watching Logan's Run the series and well it couldn't have been worse than that ( to be fair Logan's Run does have a couple of really good episodes, it also has a whole bunch of ordinary and some outright terrible ones.

Recently I picked up Westworld and Futureworld on Blu-ray and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the pilot for Beyond Westworld was included on the Westworld disc.

It's an odd series based on what I can gather from the pilot, it seems to take place soon after the end of Westworld and pretty much ignores Furureworld but at the same time explores and expands on ideas from that movie and yes it was pretty bad.

One day I might hunt down the remaining five episodes out of a morbid curiosity but I think most people can safely give it a miss.