Sunday, May 22, 2011

Breaking the rules. I'm a rebel like that.

The only rules I am breaking is the first two rules of Fight Club...
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!
Damn. I've broken the rules five times in three lines... Tyler Durdan is totally going to come after me now.

Maybe that isn't such a bad thing.

Pointless post to say... we are still alive!!

No rapture. 

Which is good (unless you are Harold Camping, then... third time lucky?) 

I'm thankful the end of the world wasn't yesterday! I still have a lot planned for the next year and a half...

Watch movies. LOTS of movies - I have a newly re-newed cinema pass and I will be deeply annoyed if my life expires before it does.

Go to the beach - Feeling the sand in between your toes. Words can't describe how awesome that feels.

Finish school - Thank God? Haha, I don't want to still be in school when the world ends!! Imagine how depressing that would be.

See Francesqa play live - First time I'll ever see Francesqa live, and also the first time I'll have ever have been in Cafe Drummonds. I've lived in Aberdeen all my life, and I still haven't been there? Ridiculous.

Get a hug from Katy Perry - Determined to make this happen. Going to see her with one of my best friends ever in October. We'll be right at the front. We always are. Hopefully, as a reward, she'll come down to see the front row folks and then... WE SHALL POUNCE.

Go on holiday - It's been far too long. I'm thinking of Hawaii... or New York. One of the two extremes: Either complete tranquillity or busy busy busy!

Finish off one of my scripts - I'm really making NO progress on them. Hit me over the head with a keyboard!!

Buy a bass - Playing bass tabs on guitar... just doesn't cut it anymore!

Watch "The Dark Knight Rises" - So psyched for that film. It's unreal!

Watch "The Dark Knight Rises" getting filmed - Oh yeah! Planning on doing this!!

What have you guys got planned for the next year and a half? Don't be shy, comment! 

I promise. I won't bite.

Lauren xxx