Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Few Fun Filled Days

Well the last four or five days have kind of sucked, not only have we had the coldest and most miserable weather that I can remember in ages but I've been sick as well and as it's been Man Flu I've been on deaths door or at least that's how it felt.

When I wasn't sleeping or doped out of my mind on cold and flu medicine I did manage to watch a few things:

Fringe Season 2

I've had the season 2 Blu-rays of Fringe sitting here for a little while, I liked the first season of the show but I didn't love it, the second season of the show built upon the strengths of the first, at times the show still feels like an X-Files clone but there was a solid overall improvement in quality during season 2 and I'm looking forward to the third season.


If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then John Carpenter and George Miller's egos must swell whenever they hear this movies title or it Directors ( Neil Marshall ) name mentioned, basically this is Escape From New York crossed with Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, hell the movie even has two characters named Carpenter and Miller, a fun movie and I guess the Blu-ray must be some sort of uncut version although no mention of it was made on the cover, I don't remember the movie being so bloody last time I saw it.

The Neverending Story

This is a no-frills Blu-ray if ever I saw one, no special features not even a trailer but the movie looks fantastic for a film of it's age, I really enjoyed seeing it again, I think this might be the first time I ever saw it in widescreen as well, this is well worth adding to your collection if you don't already own it.

Blood: The Last Vampire

I haven't seen this since it was first released, the animation still holds up pretty well by today's standards, I really must check out the live action movie sometime soon, I hope they didn't screw it up.

Cowboy Bebop

I saw a couple of episodes of this series on some sort of preview disc ages ago and I really enjoyed them, I'd always intended to pick up the series and while it took me a considerable amount of time to do so I've enjoyed the first 10 episodes of the series, I have the final four DVDs and the movie ready to watch but I think I might try and space them out a bit and try to make it last a while.

I can't help but wonder if Joss Whedon was aware of this series when he was creating Firefly some of the backdrops the stories take place in seem rather similar.

Batman: The Animated Series Season 3

Over the last few months I've slowly been re watching Batman: The Animated Series, this is my favorite version of Batman and I'm pleased to see the show still holds up well, it's not as pretty as some of the modern animated series but the storytelling is often outstanding for a show aimed at children, it just goes to show you don't need excessive blood and guts to tell a good story.

The Batman Season 1

I liked this show more than I expected to, the anime inspired look is interesting and while the show isn't as rewarding as Batman: The Animated Series in terms of storytelling it is a fun show, the only thing I didn't like about it was the character design for The Joker although the voice actor who plays him is rather good.

I was pretty impressed this this shows take on Clayface and I'm hoping the character returns in the second season.

X-Men: The Animated Series

I watched the first 7 episodes of X-Men: The Animated Series last night, I never saw a lot of the show when it was first broadcast and despite thinking the animation wasn't all that great even then the show has been decent so far, the are clearly building various storylines and it will be interesting to see what they do with them and it's nice to see that the producers were influenced by things that were done in the comics, I got the first three seasons of the show on DVD pretty cheap and I imagine I'll probably get the other two at some point.