Monday, July 11, 2011


I re watched Trekkies this afternoon, a lot of Star Trek fans seem to dislike the film because it portrays them in a negative light but honestly maybe they should have given some consideration to what they were doing and saying when they appeared on camera instead of complain that they look bad or stupid after the fact.

Having said that I think Trekkies is a weak documentary that is lacking in structure but despite my opinion it was obviously successful enough for the producers to make a sequel a few years later.

From what I can recall Trekkies 2 was a somewhat better movie but after the disappointment that was the first film I'm not sure I want to see it's sequel again, at least not any time soon.

Trekkies is the sort of movie I'd try and catch on TV or borrow from a friend but not worth spending your hard earned cash ( like I unfortunately did ) to see.