Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trailers, Painting and Screenings

Super excited.. it's one week until San Diego Comic Con... the countdown has begun.

Saw a new trailer for a movie (Seventh Son) based on a book that I haven't heard about in a few years. I didn't even know they were adapting the book and if I did I totally forgot. I read that this movie is a very loose adaptation of the book series but I have to say that the movie looks right up my alley and I do remember my friend John telling me that I should read this book series.. now I'm thinking he was right and might try and find them in audio book form. This movie is based on the first installment in Joseph Delaney's children's dark fantasy novel series The Wardstone Chronicles titled The Spook's Apprentice. Check out the trailer below.. it looks pretty epic!!

I spent from 7am to 5pm painting the trim around my house. Of course I didn't work straight through but I would work about an hour and then take a half hour break and so on. I got a lot of done. I'm hoping to finish off the trim with one more day of work and then work on the garage trim before tackling the main color of the house. I did find out that I can get alot more done when I don't have to tape off everything. I hate taping off stuff.

During the evening I headed into Hollywood  to see a PGA (Producer's Guild of America) pre-release screening of Pacific Rim. At first they said it was only for PGA members, which is very odd as 99.9% of the PGA screenings always have a plus 1. I'm not sure if the studio requested this or what but a few hours before the screening I got an email informing me that "they" are allowing us to bring a plus 1. I quickly asked my bud Robert if he wanted to join me and of course he said yes. 

We first meet up for dinner at El Pollo, which is across the street from where the screening was happening. After dinner we went to the screening, it was in 3D.. it's not my first choice but hey it's free. I've been to this particular theater for a few other screenings and it's one of the most high security place I have gone to. They don't allow phones in the theater and they make you clean out your pockets and go through a metal detector and they always warn us that security has night goggles and will be watching us... it's very odd. 

Anyways I'm going to do a separate blog post with my review of Pacific Rim.. but here is my non-spoliery review.. it's AWESOME.. it's exactly what you would expect. 

Robert loved it as well.. we said our goodbyes and I headed home. It was late when I got home so I went to bed.