Monday, March 18, 2013

Job Hunt, Fun Lunch & Comic Book Men

Today I official start looking for a new job. I took two weeks off (well really a week and a half) to recoup. I'll hit my usual job sites and start getting word out that I'm looking. Hopefully something will pop up in the next few weeks. I applied for unemployment but have yet heard if I'm going to get it or not.

Met up with my friend America at CPK (California Pizza Kitchen). I don't get to see America as much as I would like but the times we do get together are fantastic and this one was no different. I was finally able to give her, her half of the case of Smarties that my buddy Steve sent from Canada. We sat in the restaurant and chatted for about 2 1/2 hours. One of many great thing about America is that she and I can talk about anything. We talked geeks, we talked personal, we talked about life in general. I told her about my "coming" out story. It was a great visit. We said our goodbyes and made tentative plans to get together next week or lunch as well.. can't wait.

After lunch I headed over to Barnes and Noble to see if I could find the Willow sequel novels "The Chronicles of the Shadow Wars" but no luck,  I think I'll have to buy them online. Afterwards I drove over to Micheal's art supply store to look for buttons for me two vests that I have for me Hobbit cos-play, alas no luck, but I haven't given up hope yet.

When I got home I watched a bit of TV from my DVR. One show that I enjoyed last year is "Comic Book Men" Here's a brief synopsis: Comic Book Men is an American reality television series airing on the AMC network. It is set at Kevin Smith's comic book shop, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, in Red Bank, New Jersey. There are three guys who work there Walt, Mike and Ming and another guy who just hangs out Brian. The show is basically these four guys talking geek, people bring in things to sell, they do certain events for the store. Kevin Smith shows up here and there. Inter cut with the episode are the live recording of the companion podcast they do for the show. It's a really fun show, the guys are entertaining and they speak to the geek in me. The first season ran 6 one hour episodes.. but for season two they got 16 half hour episodes. Anyways I watched about 3 hours worth of episodes. 

I ended my day with some LOTRO play. All I'm doing is really building my bank with gold, silver and copper. Haven't really done much questing the past few days. I did find out that if you go to the Barrow Downs and join a fellowship in one of the caves you can really rack up some $$.