Monday, March 11, 2013

Bad Poster Adverts

Bummer. There were so many bad poster adverts out in London a couple of months ago and I didn't get a chance to take a picture of them because I was either on the bus (bus was moving too fast) or I wasn't thinking straight.

I may not be the best advertising expert out there, but I know when I see a bad advert. I seem to bend my head in shame, scratch my forehead and roll my eyes all in one go... ¬_¬" Or I give the one eye curious look. Let's not go into that.

So WHAT the heck am I talking about?

I'm talking about this... hmmmm ASDA are really good with their TV ads, but come on we know you can do better than this! There are many ways of showing how competitive you are in prices!

This one is totally boring. Just plain boring... I'm sure these guys get paid loads to come up with good ads for people to come to Cheltenham... Maybe not...
Cheltenham Racecourse ad
OMG! What the heck is this all about?! Were there any female opinions of this before it was put out there in the public? I hope there was. The message 'The drink's pure, it's your mind that's the problem' is SPOT ON! I was a little offended at the poster at first, but it's an "energy drink". I think they should try and rename it! Young kids will ask what this is, and I don't think parents will be pleased... :S They'll have to say it's a pussy cat rather than a pussy energy drink... And they made a mistake... Hahahahaha!!
pussy energy drink ad
To me this is a terrible car ad. I have seen better car poster ads out there... This is not one of them!
AUDI card ad
This one isn't too bad. But very cheeky. "Take us away with you" almost implies that you should take the insurance company workers with you on holiday... But it really means insure yourself before you go, and use the company when you're in trouble on holiday...
Insure and Go ad
And THIS! Levi. I think you can do a little better than this! And what do I interpret? Tattooed man holding a frog. There's nothing Levi about it!
There are more ads out there. One car advert in particular was a bit out of place... Hopefully I will pass it at some point, take a picture and post it here! :P