Friday, October 26, 2012

Winds, Podcasts, Screeners and The Munsters

Woke up to rumbling on the back patio.. the wind was picking up and my deck furniture was being tossed around. When I got up most of my chairs on my deck were either lying on their side or blow completely off the deck. The wind was still gusting hard so painting was out of the question. This bummed me out because after yesterday miserable attempt at doing something I was determined to do better.

Since I couldn't paint I decided I would edit podcasts, get as many as I could done.. that way I could say this was a productive day. Well that didn't happen either :( Man I suck!!!

I did manage to be somewhat productive.. I worked on various things on my computer. Uploaded pictures to facebook, did some maintenance on my podcast. Took a number count for October and found that I had 27.910 download from across my five podcasts. Knights of the Guild had a really good beginning of the month (for some reason) and had 17,458 downloads for October, MASH 4077 has gone from 200 downloads a month to 8991 this month.. it's really doing well. Confessions of a Fanboy is slowly finding it's audience.. this month it had 423 downloads, My Gimpy Life had 769 this month and my Alien Nation The Newcomers Podcast is still struggling to find it's audience and had 269 downloads. I still have a few days and I'm hoping to hit 30,000 for the month of October.

I was very excited when UPS knocked on my door..  I got my very first DVD screener of the season, "Beasts of the Southern Wild" I personally have not heard of this movie but when I twitted about it, several folks said it was pretty good. I looked it up and watched the trailer.. it looks interesting and I look forward to checking it out.

I did manage to edit another MASH 4077 Podcast #43, we record six of these podcasts at a time and I normally wait until a day or two before they are due to be released to edit them. Well I'm trying to change that and edit as many as I can beforehand to save me stress and time in the long run. So far I have Nov 1st and 15th's episodes edited and ready to go.. yay me...

While I was finishing my MASH podcast I watched Bryan Fuller's new (should have been a series) Mockingbird Lane. It's a modern take on The Munsters which I loved as a kid. NBC ordered a pilot but didn't like it and didn't give it a green light for a series (boooo NBC). But I guess the pilot cost alot to make so they decided to air the pilot as a Halloween special.

I really enjoyed it. The SFX were pretty awesome for a TV series. Also it's from Bryan Fuller who did one of my all time favorite TV series Pushing Daisies and it kind of had that same unworldly feel.. I loved it. I think this series had alot of potential too bad NBC didn't see that. I am thankful to NBC for airing the pilot. 99.9% of the pilots that are made never see the light a day.

So today I was not as lazy as I was yesterday but I did a fair amount of TV watching but also did manage to be somewhat productive.

If the winds die down tomorrow.. I'm painting the back of my house for sure.. I don't care how well I fell or motivated.. it's getting done!!