Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Very Productive Day

Woke up around 7am, got up instead of staying in bed. Was determined to get a lot of stuff done today. As I do every morning I jumped on the computer to check twitter, facebook and my emails. 2 hours later I was finished and about to head outside to get some painting done when my buddy Chris messaged me. He mentioned something that I was thinking about yesterday. We haven't really talked the past few days. I know that doesn't sound unusual but he and I talk via facebook or text throughout the day everyday and to go two or three days without saying much is very odd.

Some Hobbit Holes
So instead of going out to paint I hung out with Chris on Minecraft. He had to go to work in an hour so this would be a short session. One cool thing we did was install Ventrilo, now gamers will know what this is.. but for those how do not it's a way to have voice conversations while in game. So instead of our usual text communication we could just press a button and talk. It's a pretty awesome addition to our Minecraft play. As I mentioned in previous posts Chris and I are recreating our version of Middle Earth. So far we've been doing things separately, I worked on Hobbiton and Chris worked on Land of Men and the Dwarf Halls Under the Mountain. But today we both started to work on the town of Bree. Didn't get a lot done in the hour that we had.. we removed about 1000 blocks of dirt to level out the land and Chris did some filling in of dirt to level things. But we plan to build this town together.. and now that we can chat during the game it's may playing together so much better.

Chris had to get ready for work so I continued to do what I had planned to do before the hour of game play. I headed out back to continue to paint the outside of my house. I started working on this yesterday. It's been so hot out here it's made it difficult to work out front because it's expose to direct sunlight and it's way to hot. But in the back it's covered in shade most of the day so I started painting the back of the house and that what I continued with today. I was determined to get at least one coat of paint on my entire back of the house and I'm happy to say after two hours, a lunch break and another two hours I did just that. I finished the backside of my house.. at least with one coat.. will continue tomorrow and do a second coat and I'm hoping that the back of the house will then be complete.

I talked to my mom about Christmas this year. In all my 41 Christmas' I have spent them with my family. But this year I will not be spending Christmas with them and I wanted to make sure my Mom was cool with it. When I told her she seemed perfectly okay with it, which was surprising. I assumed she would protest.. but she total understood where I was coming from... My buddy Chris is in my military and was transferred to Montana earlier this year (as regular readers will know). He isn't doing anything for Christmas (last year he went home). So he'll be in Montana by himself and I couldn't have that. So I booked a flight to spend Christmas and New Years with my best friend. I'm extremely excited to be able to share the holidays with him.

After painting I came inside and watched some more recorded TV shows on the DVR, mostly Face Off, House Hunters International and Hot Set.

So I'm very happy with how much work I got done. I hope this kind of progress continues tomorrow.