Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Whinge About Blogger

So I have been blogging for 8-9 months now and I have developed this into a comfortable blog... However, as I keep developing it and changing things (and now understanding a blogger's nightmare about developing more onto a blog), I wish there were some features that it could have that other blog sites seem to be able to offer. For some reason Blogger cannot seem to offer on-the-demand features unless you can find a widget or a piece of HTML...!

But then when you try that widget or add that piece of HTML into your Template blogpost, it seems that feature doesn't seem to work because it's either been disabled or it's just not what you wanted...! Why? I don't know...

Well, these are the features I hope the people of Blogger.com will expand on (most are the stats part):

1. Show the number of views per post - can't seem to find a widget or any HTML code that works for my blog :( - please, please, please develop a widget for this!!

2. Stats section to show ALL POSTS in the order of highest number of views (instead of 10 of your top most viewed)

3. Stats section to show ALL SEARCH KEYWORDS (some words seem to get cut off)

4. Stats section to show ALL COUNTRIES that have viewed your blog (had to use another widget here just to do that!)

5. Use better widgets for people who don't know how to blog... Come on Google, you have the money AND the power, I think you need to show some initiative and help bloggers to blog!

6. Improve the Android app! Show stats in it! - But if I had a Tab I wouldn't need my phone to blog :P - I would like to see my stats whilst on the go please...

Update 10/11/2012
I have started to use Google Analytics. But I what I find is that they don't seem to pick all the countries that visit that Blogger picks up. It also doesn't list all the popular posts in the way I want it to...