Friday, April 8, 2011

The State of TV.

For some time now I've been saying that I'd virtually abandoned broadcast television, the Australian networks ( and I imagine it's the same across the world ) just don't carry much in the way of programming that I'm actually interested in or it's so full of advertising that I don't bother turning it on, well I guess that's not true, I watch lost of DVDs and Blu-ray movies I just don't watch any broadcast content.

As near as I can remember it's been about 5 weeks since I sat down and watched any content that provided by any of my local broadcasters and that was a tail end of a documentary, my wife and daughter watch a lot of reality TV and stupid sitcoms and as they are on I do suppose see tiny segments here and there but what I'm talking about is actually sitting down and watching a show on TV, the funny thing is until today I didn't realise what I was doing or not doing as the case may be.

In Australia program streaming over the Internet is fairly limited at the moment, I have watched a few things that way and while I'm not thrilled by the picture quality it works, I have no idea when I last rented anything but I have a feeling it was at least a couple of years ago, my wife and daughter rent a few movies here and there but even they seem to be losing interest in that, the Australian version of Netflix sucks or at least it did when I tried it so that's not really an option either.

You've probably guessed by now that I buy a LOT of DVDs and Blu-ray discs and compared to a lot of people that's true but it's nowhere as expensive as you might think and I can watch what I want when ever I want, some things I keep ( well most things actually ) and some I give away or sell on eBay, this is something that might not work for everyone but it really suits me and my viewing patterns.

I find it funny that it's taken me nearly 5 weeks to notice I'd stopped watching broadcast television and I tend to be a little behind the times so I'm sure there are many other people this applies to as well, I wonder how long it takes for the networks to notice people have stopped watching them ?