Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened.......

Yesterday I found myself browsing the shelves of a used book store, I was determined I was going to buy something although I don't know why considering the amount of unread books I already have.

I was ready to leave when I spotted a novel crammed between two much larger books, I picked it up and flipped it over so that I could read the back cover, I must have had a puzzled look on my face because the owner of the store suddenly said that's exactly what I thought.

The Book in question was Fathom: The World Below by Kevin Andrew Murphy based on the comic series by the late Micheal Turner.

He went on to say he thought that Fathom was about scantily clad women and really had nothing much in the way of story going for it, I have to admit I thought pretty much the same thing, Micheal Turner may not have been the greatest comic writer out there but he sure was a talented artist.

I was amused enough by the idea of a Fathom novel ( the first book in a series apparently ) that I bought it and honestly I don't have high hopes for the book but who knows, it might contain some interesting ideas and I may well find myself hunting down the back issues of the comic.