Friday, April 1, 2011

Hey... you wanna see something really scary?

The weather here is slowly turning to crap as what passed for summer this year disappears but the one good thing about all the wind and rain is that it's been a good excuse to ignore that lawns and watch some movies.

Two of the movies I've watched recently were Poltergeist and Twilight Zone: The Movie on Blu-ray, I have to admit I was a little unsure of how these movies would hold up in high definition being older movies but I have to say they both looked great especially when you consider their age.

I'm a big fan of the original Twilight Zone TV series but I've always had mixed feelings about the movie, basically I've always really liked two of the segments but thought the other two were only OK, given how much I enjoyed the movie when I watched it yesterday I wonder if I wasn't the right age to fully appreciate it until now especially "Kick the Can" .

I found it hard to believe the "Time Out" segment could be produced intact today with the racist character played by the late Vic Morrow and his many racist insults which is a shame, while I don't agree with the characters comments it did properly set him up as a bitter and unlikable man in a short amount of time.

I'm really glad I picked up Twilight Zone: The Movie and I think I appreciate it more now than I ever did previously, it's a shame they never produced more Twilight Zone movies.