Sunday, July 25, 2010


Apparently there are people ( sick and twisted individuals ) who find gardening relaxing, I am not one of those people so I'm not sure how exactly it happened but that's pretty much all I did today.

I'd been saying for a while that I'd go over to my grandfather's place and and do some stuff over there for him, nothing amazing just cutting lawns and that sort of general maintaince, then I cam home and pruned a few bushes and things here, that kept me busy until early afternoon.

Later in the day the In-Laws called in and the were moaning about how they needed to get someone in to do some work for them since now they are getting older it's all a bit beyond them so off I go to prune some trees  and other bit's and pieces which took up the rest of the afternoon.

The plan for the rest of the night is to fire up a games console and shoot things, then bloodier the better.