Monday, February 11, 2013

Quest for Fully Painted: Panda Part III

Been super busy getting some paint slung onto some models. In the latest update I get much closer to my fully painted goals! I've finished the second unit of Errants + UA and my min unit of Choir!

These units bring my Vindictus Tier 4 Theme Force: Missionaries of War up to fully painted!

Now my goal was to have 2 fully painted list ready to go and with my pledge to use the High Reclaimer in 2013 I'll be using him as my second list. I've mulled things over and have come up with the following:

High Reclaimer
Exemplar Errants (Max) + UA
Holy Zealots (Max)+ UA
Choir of Menoth (Min)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal Mechanik

Bright side is that I'm fairly close to being fully painted with this! Need to finish up the Guardian and my conversion of Eiryss. Problem with that is I need to bit order her arms as they are super fiddly and got super broke while traveling in my bag.  On another note, I have recently gotten a Judicator and REALLY want to use him as much as possible as getting him painted has taken it's toll on my soul and I want to get a lot of use out of him.

To that end I have this second list:

High Reclaimer
Exemplar Errant (Max) + UA
Holy Zealots (Max) + UA
Choir of Menoth (Min)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal Mechanik
Vassal Mechanik

I've gotten a game or two in with this and it works alright, barring them being able to ignore Passage from the Choir. I run the Judicator outside the clouds since he doesn't get protection from them anyway. It forces my opponent to go after the Judicator and focus on him or rush into the clouds.

Anyway, I'll figure out what I'll be doing with these soon and get pics of my sweet High Reclaimer I've gotten painted!