Saturday, December 17, 2011

Troll Mauler for my son...

I painted this Troll Mauler for my son's army. I wanted him to have something from me that will be his own. I wanted to do a good quality table top model for him. I also wanted to do some blending on the skin and such. The army is going to have a them blue skin but it will be different shade depending on the type of troll. I want to tie the race together but also show a difference between classes so to speak. I also want to add some special touches like the spots and such. The stones on this guy were originally dark blue but I changed them and I am glad I did. I am really happy with the color combo on this guy. My son is pleased with it so that is all that matters. Now I just need to base him and he is done. If you have any questions let me know.
