Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boldly going where plenty have gone before.

I sat down this afternoon to re-watch the 2009 Star Trek reboot, I consider myself a Trek fan but honestly in the cold light of day now that the fan boy anticipation of new Star Trek has died down this movie is a bit of a mess.

Firstly while as a fan of Star Trek it was nice seeing Leonard Nimoy playing Spock for ( probably ) the last time it's the Spock prime scenes that pretty much kill any momentum the story had, rather than trying to appease the legions of Trekkies with all the time travel alternate reality nonsense I think the franchise would be better served clean reboot and not worry about trying to tie things to the past.

Secondly Simon Pegg as Scotty, I'm sorry but he was just horrible and I'm a bit of a Simon Pegg fan, this was the worst bit of recasting done for the movie, they deleted the Klingon sequences but kept Scotty getting sucked up a cooling pipe - WHY?!!

Now the actual story was decent although it needed a few more rewrites in my opinion, Kirk taking command of the Enterprise the way he did was just nonsense and Spock stranding Kirk on an alien planet rather than putting him in the brig was pretty silly as well, the destruction of Vulcan was interesting since it clearly signals this isn't the Star Trek of old which I think is a good thing.

It's not like the movie is a total train wreck but honestly this should have been better than it was, hopefully they do a bit better with the sequel.