Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Aero Chocolate Lamb

Can't help myself. I saw this cute little lamb on the front of the wrapper and I said to myself it's so kawaii (cute) that I cannot not blog about! Awww. Look at the lamb!!
Cute little lamb on the package!
Aero have somewhat surprised me with this chocolate!
It tastes bloody good (excuse my language). So much chunky chocolate - it was really hard to break into two, so I had to bite it! And there's not an ounce of sweetness (as in too much sugar) in which I have found in their other chocolate bars (those £1 chocolate bars).
Some really thick and bubbly chocolate - you can see my teeth marks
It's expensive for a little lamb, but I liked it :D
Where to buy: Tesco (or other supermarkets if you can find them!) ... And don't worry I doubt there's any horse meat in these (^_^)v ... sorry - lame joke about Tesco!!

Cost: 60p