Granted I thought trying to finish FIVE figs in five days was going to be near impossible... especially for me. :) Anyhow I decided to give it a go.
Day 1
I started out with a thing I like to call "Five Step Flesh"
"Five Step Flesh"
Step 2: Citadal Ogryn Flesh Wash. Heavily apply the wash allover the flesh of the figure.
Step 3: Highlight with Citadel Foundation Tallarn Flesh.
Here you want to cover most of the flesh, especially any raised portions, muscles etc...
Final Step 5: I come back and highlight again with Tallarn flesh. And there you have it a simple 5 step flesh recipe that will produce a pretty nice result. Perfect for making that unit of Marauders or Doomreavers really pop!
Stay tuned for the next installment... (I'll give you a hint... I was really motivated to finish these guys and well... Day 2 may be the final installment :) )
Any questions, comments, critiques, anything, please feel free to drop me a line in the comments.
Thanks for Watching!!