Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cadbury's Mint Bubbly Chocolate

Awwwwww... Looks like Cadbury's are trying to catch up and compete with Nestlé! Hahahah... Gosh I'm a stirrer but there's a lot of competition with chocolate this year!
Mint Bubbly!
Has this been out for long? More than a month? I didn't know about it until I saw a poster advert in Dublin and thought I must find it and eat it! Plus report back here on what it's like ^_^""...
OoOOooo Bubbly ^^
Well it's in the same form and shape as its predecessors, but I bet what you're thinking is what does it taste like...?
Light mintiness
First of all, I can only taste a very small hint of mint. The thickness of the chocolate smothers the taste of the mintiness, so all I can really taste is chocolate. Secondly, it doesn't taste too sweet like the Aero ones, but if you are looking for a really minty-chocolate bar, this is not the one for you. 

Aero Mint beats this competition fair and square!

It's a nice try Cadbury, but I think you need to work on the taste a bit more!

My geeky rating: 4/5 - requires a more minty taste!